
Hospitals Providers,

MedCity Moves Podcast: Recent Hires, Layoffs & an Interview with Claire Zangerle, the American Hospital Association’s New Chief Nurse Executive 

In this month’s episode, Senior Reporter Katie Adams discussed some of the executive moves, exits and layoffs that occurred recently in the healthcare sector. She also interviewed Claire Zangerle, who was appointed as chief nurse executive of the American Hospital Association, as well as CEO of its American Organization for Nursing Leadership.

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Hospitals, Health Tech, Providers

A National Nursing Surplus Is Predicted by 2028, But There Will Still Be Shortages in Some States. What Can Providers There Do?

A new Mercer report predicts there will be a national surplus of about 30,000 nurses by 2028. Though an overall surplus is projected nationally, there will still be significant shortages of nursing labor in a handful of states, as well as most of the country’s rural areas. To solve this issue, providers need to recruit from wider labor pools, minimize nurses’ nonclinical tasks and prioritize creating a more supportive work environment.

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Health Tech

Here’s What Stanford Learned From a Failed Tech Pilot

About 70% of hospital IT pilots fail or face major challenges, yet it's rare for hospitals to discuss these setbacks. At HIMSS23, two nursing informatics leaders argued that project failure is nothing to be ashamed of because it can teach hospitals valuable lessons about what they need for technology initiatives to thrive in the future.